Thursday, 19 August 2010

Poll Results ~ Sorry it's late ~

Before i start anything, i must say that Sayu's face is growing on me after having to look at it every day. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! i'm slowly being turned into a Sayu fan NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

So as you can see, Mari won the 2nd gen poll with 6/7 votes while Kei got 1 and Sayaka didn't even get a look in. Maybe thats because she wasn't in MM very long.

As for the Kanon Poll, Fukuda won with 5/8 votes and Wakeshima got 3/8 votes. It's good to know that at least 3 people know who Kanon Wakeshima is, but i'm suspecting that they all have watched Vampire Knight.

So my new polls is on 4th gen members

Vote for

I know it's already been up a week, so it's staying up for another week or so. The votes so far state that Tsuji and Yosshi are leading with 4/10 votes while Charmy has yet to recieve a vote. Poor Charmy, i really don't know what i can do to help you gain more votes.

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