Hey all. Sorry for not updating, been busy trying to figure out what exactly the meaning of life is and failing at it.
So, where to begin....
Well Berryz 23rd single has been announced. The titles not been comfirmed yet but it isn't a double (Thank the lord, i don't mind double a-sides but the wait between when each PV is released really got on my nerves. Especially with their last single, i mean, Why was Otakebi Boy PV released like the day before the single was released? Talk about bad promotion). From the information i got off of Hello! Sayunii, they've done a new version of Otakebi Boy titled Otakebi Boy WOW! (Spark Version)....Looking forward to hearing that. Only thing is that their still doing the ending theme to that god awful football anime/game/whatever the hell it is all i know is that it involves THE wrost sport ever invented buy the British and the THRID wrost sport in the world (Golf and Snooker come before). Anyway, I'm always looking forward to hearing what Berryz comes up with.
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A Preview of Manoeri's new PV has been released.....case of the good song with a shit PV again and just when her singles were becoming less boring.
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For some reason i knew this was coming. The anime which is bad(only to me just because i'm a grown 20 something young lady and i really shouldn't be watching things made for 10 yr olds), Lilpri, has a new H!P Unit called....Lilpri. And the Members of said unit.....are the S/mileage girls that play the main characters, Kanon, Yuuka and Ayaka (God help me). If you want to hear what their first single sounds like, Heres a
link to the second episode.....It the opening track which is heavily synthesized (And happens to be an improvement for a certian member (Start Rant) who shall remain nameless due to the horrible rendition of my dear Captian's lines in Ike ZYX! Fly High at the H!P 2010 Shuffle tour which has made me take a good, long, hard look at the members of S/mileage and thinking that this certian person, although very cute, should not be there and that Saho Akari should be in the group and not stuck in the eggs when she can quite clearly keep up with the wonders that are Natsuyaki and Suzuki, which that song should have a PV for as it would look amazing (End Rant)).
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The Shuffle Groups are getting new singles released, But in 2 large compilation single groups and not separate single releases which is a bummer. The first single (titled Compilation Single A (very original)) has Tanpopo #, Pucchimoni V, and Shin Mini Moni, and the second single (Compilation Single B) Has High-King, ZYX-a, Aa!, and Zoku Biyuuden (Why oh WHY is this happening). Heres hoping fo separate PVs.
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Yajima Maimi has a new photobook which is made up of all her UTB Photo shots, interview and what nots.....Still waiting for Captian and Chisa to get what they deserve. Kinda a bit bored with hearing the same names popping up for PB's all the time. Don't get me wrong, I think that this PB is a great idea but i'm just fed up with PB's always going to the most exposed members of H!P. I bet that Aika's gonna get her's next just because A) She's in Morning Musume and B)everyone can't stop taking about (how rubbish she is, how she shouldn't be there, how much she reminds people of a dog...) Her.
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On the topic of PB's, some previews of Sayu's 'la' PB has been released and i really think that she should quite MM and go into modeling. Just as long as she doesn't do a Gaki(Bad Hair Cut) or a Koharu(Dye Job That Does Not Suit Her) she should be fine.
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I missed a lot of birthdays this month (mainly cos either i wasn't paying attention or i just didn't like the members that had a B-day) so my next couple of posts will be a Picspam of each member, Risako, Manoeri, Airi and Yossi(should have really celebrated Yosshi's since i'm going to she her live next month)
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Specking of Yosshi, Hangry and Angry Officals have said a number of things about their European concerts.
1) There will be signings in Paris and Berlin which happens to be extremely not fair to those unlucky enough to be only going to the London gig.
2) there will be a Question and Answer session at all the venues.....BUT all questions will be asked but only 2 members of the audience and all questions have to be submitted before hand to either of these sites
International Wota
Hello! Blog (Has said that you have to be going to the concerts)
Not that i can think of an original question to ask but we have been given insturctions not to ask any personal questions and that we should have at least 2 questions prepared.
On the plus side, there will be a photo session at every venue so look out readers, you might see me post a pic of me with the girls (not i'm wishing that my loan can earlier so that i could have enrolled onto a local Japanese language course i was looking into)
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With the new Background, If you don't like it, Please leave a message in Spamalot, i've finally managed to work out how to do it (with a little help from another blog that does templates and told me how to change the background) i'll also welcome suggestions on possible backgrounds, i'm trying to keep the Saki theme going here.
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Just giving a warning that i won't be posting anything between 12th and 17th of May due to a trip to Birmingham, Nottingham and Alton Towers (British Theme park with wicked rides that i'm currently shitting myself just thinking about them.
Click here to see what the hell i'm talking about.)
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By the way, the next Picspam poll will not Be until mid June methinks due to the fact that i have Linlin, Risako, Manoeri, Airi, Yosshi, Charmy, Hangry and Angry (Doing separate one of them in their alias') and a cosplay Picspam posts, maybe any more birthdays that are coming up (Chii, Ume-chan, Asuna Okai aka the 'ugly' Okai sister, Irori Maeda aka the egg that took over Kanon's place in SCE and Kikkawa Yuu)and my trip to the midlands.